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A Step-by-Step Guide to the Full Painting Estimate Process

March 24th, 2021 | 15 Comments

A carefully crafted estimate process is invaluable. Why? Because:

  • You can make more sales.
  • You can sell at a higher price point.
  • You can set better expectations with your customer.
  • You can provide a better customer experience.
  • You can spend more money on marketing because you sell more jobs at a higher price point.

Overall… your business grows significantly! The higher your company sales rate, the faster your company will grow. It’s the most valuable part of your business to make improvements on.

In this article, we’re going to outline what a good estimate process looks like from start to
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How to Start a Painting Business for $500

January 10th, 2021 | 90 Comments

Sounds impossible? Hear me out. You can start a painting business with just these few steps:

  • Register your company – $100
  • Create a website – Free
  • Get insurance – $100 per month
  • Painting equipment – Free (I’ll explain later)
  • Bid for jobs
  • Getting your first painting customer – $100
  • Make a profit

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How to Create the Perfect Residential Painting Proposal

May 12th, 2017 | 15 Comments

One of the biggest mistakes painting contractors make is how they deliver their painting proposal to a prospective customer.

First, you need to deliver it on the spot. Do not send an email proposal after the fact.

Second, you need to make sure it’s written in a professional way, it’s detailed, and it provides options and customizations for the customer.

Third, you need to have a strong close when you present the proposal.

We’re going to look at why these are such important aspects to selling a paint job, and how can immediately improve your sales rate with a
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How to Grow Your Painting Business, Part 6: House Painting Leads

March 6th, 2015 | 5 Comments

Hey how is it going? This is Eric; I’m the co-owner of Painter Choice and the founder of Painting Business Pro. And this is the sixth video in a series of six videos teaching you how to grow your painting business and in the first five videos; we’ve covered a whole lot of stuff.
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How to Grow Your Painting Business, Part 5: Get More Painting Leads

March 5th, 2015 | No Comments

Hi this is Eric Barstow, the co-owner at Painters Choice and the founder of Painting Business Pro. And this is the fifth video in a series of six videos teaching you how to grow your business, grow your revenue; grow your income, because that’s what we’re here for.
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How to Grow Your Painting Business, Part 4: Mastering Sales

March 4th, 2015 | No Comments

Hi this is Eric Barstow, the co-owner of Painter Choice and the founder of Painting Business Pro. This is the fourth video in a series of six videos about how to systematically and step-by-step grow your painting business.
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How to Grow Your Painting Business, Part 3: Balancing Marketing & Sales

March 3rd, 2015 | No Comments

Hi this is Eric Barstow; I’m the cofounder of Painter Choice and the founder of Painting Business Pro. And in this video, this is our third video in a series the six videos teaching you how to step by step grow your painting business, grow your revenue, grow your income because that’s why you’re watching this video.
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How to Grow Your Painting Business, Part 2: Free Your Time

March 2nd, 2015 | No Comments

Hi my name is Eric Barstow, I’m the co-owner of Painter Choice and founder Painting Business Pro. And this is the second video and a series of six videos teaching you how to step by step grow your painting business and increase your income because that’s why you’re watching this video.
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How to Grow Your Painting Business, Part 1: Introduction

March 1st, 2015 | No Comments

Hey this is Eric! I’m one of the co-owners of Painter Choice and the founder of Painting Business Pro. If you’re reading this, you’re someone who is interested in growing your painting business. Whether you found this post through a search engine or through one of the other articles here at Painter Choice, you’re someone who is looking to grow your business. This post is the first part of a six-part series that outlines all the steps that you need to take to grow your business.
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